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الأربعاء، 3 نوفمبر 2010

Innocent child / William Adolph

In 1865 asked him to draw the roof of the showroom at the scene of Bourdoa "Grand Theatre" check for it not to do it until 1869, and then finished decor in 1870

Rolled awards and positions in life inside and outside of France.

- In 1862 was appointed as a member of honor at the Association of Belgian artists. Then in 1866 as a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the Netherlands.And many different positions and awards in various country

Interested in teaching Boujero also significantly, and was interested in providing opportunities for pupils to experience, and development. The Henri Matisse from Tlamivth but faced with a lot of problems on their differences did not like Matisse drawing, study of the traditional left has

Was chosen as head of painting at the Salon Pace in 1881

In 1883 the President of the Assembly was concerned with the conditions of young and struggling artists. He also taught drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts and Academy Julian

Boujero luck in his personal life was not up to his career. In 1866 the Bogior his daughter Jane is still a child, was the beginning of a series of grief.

Then built a large house and moved it in 1868 with his family and his mother's obsession, and in the same year his son Paul was born

At this stage began Boujero bulk and months of work.

- In 1875 his son George, died in the 16, the shock is large on the family, and through Boujeroa this grief in 2 of the most important religious paintings: pieta Panel and Panel vierge consolatrice In the same year his son Paul was born

In 1876 was appointed a member of the Academy of Fine Arts, the highest honorary status of the artist in France (all members 40).

- In the same year was born the third of his sons Morris, but the joy did not last. In 1877 his wife Nelly died from complications of pregnancy and Alloladp, and followed his baby is in the seventh month

At the end of 1877 was William Boujeroa to his family about his desire to marry a young American painter Elizabeth Jane Gardner (1837-1922), which had settled in Paris and then became a pupil in his studio.

But his daughter Henriette and his mother more exhibitors marriage, and made him and his mother not to marry again be divided until after her death

Vokhvy he and Elizabeth got engaged in 1879, and did not marry until after the death of his mother is in the 91 in 1896.The time he was in the 71, and spent the rest of his life with Elizabeth.

- Believed to be Elizabeth Gardner had a great credit to persuade her husband to accept the Academy Julian girls in the Academy

Also was credited in the opening of private schools for girls drawing Kalokadimip French.

- In 1899 his son Paul suffered from tuberculosis at the age of 30. Was then known and respected lawyer in Paris.

Doctors have advised him to travel to the south of France, accompanied him and his father and Elizabeth, where they remain with him a few months

And in 1900 Paul returned to Paris after a period of recovery only to die between the arms of his family, and so was William Boujero 4 of the five children in his life.

- Was Boujero back every summer to his home town (LA ROCHE), where he works in his studio, and died there in 1905 after suffering with heart disease

Drawing Boujero about 827 panel in his career, mostly mockups (for people), and announced that he would not find happiness only in the drawing.

- The Impressionists attacking style in the drawing, which they considered late and contrived and does not serve the march of French art. And many of defamation by some of his opponents, but until his death remains one of the most beloved French artists and respected ......

One of the best portrait artist in history.

After his death, much criticism and ridicule in his work it deems some (deliberate campaign) rejected the traditional methods of drawing, and because of hostility between the former wishing to innovation in art and him, said a large extent disappeared from the know say

No longer any of his paintings are displayed in any museum or public place, but placed all in the warehouse itself, without attention or maintenance. Hitting the damage part of it.

Sixties in the back position as in the past and returned to celebrate, and prices of his paintings four times.And continued to rise every few years and is still on the rise. Fastkrjt paintings from the warehouses and the upper rooms of houses where she was dumped, and quick to acquire something from them repaired.

Introduced in various museums and theaters in the world of his paintings are found in more than 100 museum around the world.

Even today, the demand for copies of his paintings in millions

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